Poverty USA
The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) is dedicated to breaking the cycle of poverty by funding community programs that encourage independence. TGD worked with CCHD staff to develop a consistent branding strategy, develop a long-term plan for increasing poverty awareness, and a way to improve the online presence of the organization while simultaneously lowering the time and costs needed to maintain their public campaign site, PovertyUSA.org
TGD developed a mobile responsive website that better showcases long-formate stories of those fighting against poverty, ensures higher search ranking with consistent content structures, and utilizes dynamic data from the U.S. Census Bureau to highlight the raw facts about poverty throughout the communities in the United States.
PovertyUSA: Video
Poverty USA
The state of poverty in the United States is often overlooked and underreported. But thanks to an initiative by USCCB, people are better in formed about the true state of poverty in our country. Along with a statistically loaded and evocative website, which we were honored to build for them, we also created this promotional video to help raise awareness about this critical issue.
PovertyUSA - Social Media

PovertyUSA - Collateral

PovertyUSA - Advertisement